Modern Day Slavery Awareness


Modern Slavery is a crime and is an on-going issue in the United Kingdom. It includes human trafficking, domestic servitude, child labor, debt bondage, forced marriage, sexual exploitation and more. In the UK today, there are an estimated 130,000 or more people who can be classified as modern-day slaves, spread throughout the entire nation. The victims suffer from abuse, inhumane treatment, and denial of their human rights.

The Modern-Day Slavery Awareness covers what modern day slavery is, the forms of modern-day slavery, how to spot the signs, how to reduce modern day slavery in the UK, and how to safeguard those involved.

The main points covered are:

What is modern day slavery
– An understanding of what modern day slavery is

– The forms of modern-day slavery

The signs
– How to spot the signs of modern-day slavery

Reducing modern day slavery
– An understanding of some of the things your organization can do to reduce modern day slavery in the UK.

– How to safeguard those involved in modern day slavery

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